for students, faculty, and staff: who to contact

The Biological Sciences major is directed by one Central Office in conjunction with the Academic departments of...

While each unit has specific areas of responsibility within the program, below is a thorough list of contacts and their related areas of service.

Please read carefully to find the person / services you are looking for.

Admissions Counseling, prospective students

—for first-time applicants to the University and the Biological Sciences, Limited Enrollment Program (LEP)


—for any questions related to applying to the BSCI major via LEP Application

College of CMNS, Office of Student Services (OSS)

—for General Inquiries, Exceptions to Policy; 1300 Symons Hall

University Career Center @ CMNS

biological sciences Undergraduate Program, central office

—for General Questions about the Biological Sciences major and Academic Advising for first-years, sophomores, and Terps completing the major’s Basic Program; 1200B Biology-Psychology Building

Advisors for the BSCI Major

  • CLICK HERE to review BSCI’s Advisor Directory and instructions for Scheduling an Advising Appointment

Teaching and learning assistance + transfer course evaluation

registration challenges

—For courses required for the Biological Sciences Major.

Biological Sciences Opportunity Portal (BSOP)

—For any questions, challenges, or opportunities you’d like to see LIVE on BSOP.

  • Email Shiloh Ortiz, Academic Advisor and Database Manager -

Department of Biology (BIOL)

—Academic Advising by faculty for the ECEV and PHNB specializations; 1204 Biology-Psychology Building

Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics (CBMG)

—Academic Advising by faculty for the CEBG, MICB, and GENB specializations (last names N-Z); 1109 Microbiology Building

  • CBMG Website

  • Dr. David Straney, Associate Chair of Undergraduate Programs & Coordinating Advisor - or call 301-405-1622; Office is in 3122 MCB

  • Megan Leung, Undergraduate Office Coordinator - or call 301-405-2766

Department of Entomology (ENTM)

—Academic Advising by faculty for the GENB specialization (last names A-M); 4112 Plant Sciences

reed-yorke Health Professions Advising Office (HPAO)

Science in the evening (SIE) + individualized studies (bivs)

BioFIRE Living-Learning Community

—Academic Advising for Terps enrolled in the BioFIRE program; 2328 Symons Hall