curriculum & Graduation planNING

Students can choose between taking courses for the major’s General Biology (GENB) track, or specialize in another area of the Biological Sciences. For descriptions of each specialization area, see this webpage.

CMNS Peer Mentors create and revise individualized graduation plans.

Create an individualized Graduation plan

Students are advised to consult with the college’s CMNS Peer Mentors to create and revise their individualized graduation plan, which will include the requirements for their major, specialization, and relevant coursework for additional programs.

These plans can then be proofread by an Assigned Advisor during scheduled advising sessions.

The Peer Mentors can meet with Terps in 1317 Symons Hall, Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED!).

sample graduation Plans [for terps under gened]

If a course required for the BSCI Major has already been attempted at the University, then it needs to be completed at the University.*


* Requests for Permission to Enroll (PTE) [CLICK HERE] at another institution are filed through and ultimately decided by the College of CMNS, not the Biological Sciences Program.

PTE Policy #4. - Requests to REPEAT a course at another institution once it has been attempted at UMD will be automatically denied. If you wish to do this, please submit a Petition for Exception to Policy form [CLICK HERE] through the College of CMNS.

For any questions about the PTE process or exceptions, please email

Sample graduation plans [for terps under core]

—applies only to students admitted before Fall 2012

See Curriculum & Graduation Planning for Terps under CORE.

Frequently asked Questions

What courses satisfy the lower-level math requirement?

  • MATH135 (Discrete Math for Life Sciences) and MATH136 (Calculus for Life Sciences). This is the preferred sequence for students who do not have MATH140 and MATH141.

  • MATH140 (Calculus 1) and MATH141 (Calculus 2)

  • MATH140 and MATH135

  • MATH130 (Calculus 1 for Life Sciences) and MATH131 (Calculus 2 for Life Sciences) (both courses discontinued)

  • MATH130 and MATH135, for students who took MATH130 before it was discontinued, but have not completed MATH131

  • Other course combinations are possible in unusual circumstances and require approval by an advisor.

  • Students cannot use MATH120, MATH121, MATH220, or MATH221 towards the Biological Sciences major.

Do I need to take PHYS131 and PHYS132?

The PHYS131/132 requirement is effective Fall 2013. If you completed PHYS121 before Fall 2013, you may complete the physics sequence by taking PHYS122. Any student who did not start on the completion of the Physics requirement before Fall 2013 must take PHYS131 and PHYS132 or a more advanced physics sequence. Questions about transfer and AP/IB credit should be directed to the Biological Sciences Undergraduate Program Office at (301) 405-6892.