BSCI Terps by Numbers
Over 1,400 students are enrolled in the Biological Sciences major at the University of Maryland, College Park, each year.
The Biological Sciences Undergraduate Program
The Biological Sciences (BSCI) major offers rigorous exposure to the modern experimental disciplines within Biology. The curriculum includes foundational coursework in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Upper-level courses are organized into specialization areas, aligned with the major research areas in modern biology ranging from molecular and cellular studies to ecosystem studies.
Undergraduates have opportunities to do cutting-edge, modern research under the supervision of faculty who are at the top of their research fields. Our curriculum is designed to provide a broad and comprehensive education from which students can pursue a wide variety of post-secondary opportunities, including those in professional/graduate education, the federal government, and the private sector.
The Biological Sciences major is directed by one Central Office in conjunction with the Academic departments of...
The program is part of the University’s College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS).
six major specializations
While the Biological Sciences major exposes students to the modern experimental disciplines within biology and prepares them for diverse careers in health care, research, policy, and academia, students can also choose to specialize in one of the majors following tracks:
General Biology (GENB)
Cell Biology and Genetics (CEBG)
Ecology and Evolution (ECEV)
Microbiology (MICB)
Physiology and Neurobiology (PHNB)
Individualized Studies (BIVS)
What BSCI terps learn
Students enrolled in the Biological Sciences major will learn the foundations and applications of biology across multiple levels of organization: molecules, genomes, cells, organisms, and ecosystems. Students participate in research, learn modern experimental techniques, and become active learners to address real-world challenges. Fundamental principles learned in the introductory course sequence will be reinforced, deepened, and applied in upper-level courses.
Biological Science seeks mechanistic explanations of life by integrating mathematical, physical, and chemical concepts to understand how living organisms work. Mechanistic and quantitative understanding will be stressed at each level of the curriculum. Modern biology is an experimental science. Scientists ask questions about the natural world and design experiments involving various model systems to generate data that can be analyzed to answer the questions. An understanding of the methods of science will be stressed across the curriculum.
Students in the Biological Sciences program receive personal attention, high-quality advising, and numerous on- and off-campus research and internship opportunities.
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