LEP-BENCHMARK requirements

Current students in the biological sciences major must complete specific benchmark courses for two benchmark reviews.

  • The courses evaluated for BENCHMARK ONE (45 credit review) have special LEP Requirements to follow.

  • Additional courses are evaluated for BENCHMARK TWO (75 credit review).

Please review the special LEP requirements for BEnchmark one down below, which can also be found on the Biological Sciences LEP webpage:

  1. Only ONE course from BENCHMARK ONE may be repeated to earn a passing grade of “C- or better” and the course may only be repeated ONCE

  2. When more than one course offering can satisfy a BENCHMARK ONE requirement, taking the alternate course after an initial attempt will count as a repeat

  3. A grade of "W" for any major course requirement is considered an attempt and the course must be repeated

  4. Students who were directly admitted to the BSCI LEP and who DO NOT meet the benchmark review criteria will be dismissed from the major and may not reapply

  5. Any student denied admission or dismissed from the major may appeal this decision in writing to the individual LEP

Review terms for benchmarks one AND two

Benchmark one

Direct admit freshmen- complete by 3rd semester in major
Transfer students- complete before entry into major

  • MATH135 (or) MATH140 (or) MATH130 [Discrete Math or Calculus I]

  • BSCI160 + 161 [Ecology and Evolution with lab] —(formerly BSCI 106)

  • BSCI170 + 171 [Molecular and Cellular Biology with lab] —(formerly BSCI 105)

  • CHEM131 + 132 [General Chemistry I with lab]

  • CHEM231 + 232 [Organic Chemistry I and lab]

Benchmark two

Direct admit freshmen- complete by 5th semester in major
Transfer students- complete by 2nd semester in major

  • MATH 135 + 136 (or) MATH 140 + 141 (or) MATH 140 + 135 (or) MATH130 + 131 (or) MATH130 + 135

  • BSCI 160 + 161 [Principles of Ecology and Evolution w/ lab] —(formerly BSCI 106)

  • BSCI 170 + 171 [Molecular and Cellular Biology w/ lab] —(formerly BSCI 105)

  • BSCI 207 [Prinicples of Biology III, Organismal Biology]

  • BSCI 222 [Prinicples of Genetics]

  • CHEM 131 + 132 (and) CHEM 231 + 232 (and) CHEM 241 + 242 (and) CHEM 271 + 272 [4 semesters of Chemistry with labs]

Frequently Asked Question

Is it possible to get an extension to complete THE LEP-benchmark requirements?

Students who study abroad for a fall or spring semester, or who are away from the University for a semester are eligible for an extension to their benchmark reviews.